Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Original Thought...

I have been watching Cosmos.  Every single time it blows my mind.  I sit in front of the television, entranced by the amazing, charming and intelligent Host.
"Talk nerdy to me, Neil!"
While watching, I have been pondering my own existence and that of everything around me.  I love thinking about the fact that I am surrounded by earth at all times.  My office desk, the walls, the floor, the chair I am sitting in.   All are made of the earth.   All encompassing.
So I have been thinking about this and reincarnation.  So we are all a bunch of star dust.  Elements and DNA and stuff.  I say stuff because the technical terms for all the "stuff" we are made of escapes me and honestly, I just don't know.
We all die and become worm food.  Plan and simple, right?!  I'm not so sure.  What if reincarnation is basically our bodies decaying and being consumed by other things?  We disintegrate and transform and give nutrient to the dirt which in turn becomes part of the grass, the grass that the antelope eat, the antelope that the pregnant mother eats that nourishes the unborn child that is growing within her.  Those elements and molecules carry our (the form we are in now) "stuff" and combine with the new life.  Are we so very different for the leaves that fall from the tree?  I guess this would be something similar to the caste system, but organism up.  I don't know a lot about it.  Maybe that could be further reading.
"There's always a bigger fish" - Qui Gon Jinn
So the next question is consciousness.  What level do we have of consciousness?  The thought of no longer existing at all frightens me a bit, I must admit.  Must go back to the core of our existence that we have to survive.  Survival instincts are what have kept us going.  But do we become a different mind with our transformation?  Do we still have an amoeba personality?  What kind of personality does and amoeba have?  Do the elements, DNA and "stuff" that reside within us have memories and personality of their own?
Further more, past life regression?...  Is it just our "stuff" made up of previous people who give us residual memories?  That feeling that we remember something we possibly couldn't?  Deja Vu?  Maybe something we ate or ingested, embodied something from someone and somewhere that had that memory.  Ancestor worship can fall under this thought process too.  Every living being and person before us are a part of us.  So all of their "stuff" make up what we are today.
So many weird thoughts Cosmos has caused me to have.  Mind melting.  I labeled this post Original thought because I feel that we have been on this planet for too long for anyone to not have thought of something previously.  We have been "thinking" for so long throughout our tiny scale of a history on this planet that I am sure I have not come up with something original.
But is that just a product of the "stuff" that is already within me... Inquiring Minds want to know...
It is highly possible that this has been a well-known thought process and I am just now catching up.  Better late than never, I guess.
Woot!  Go me!